Supporting your student throughout college can be challenging. There are many changes occurring for both of you, but we are here to help! Your role as a parent, mentor, and support system is important to your student’s success.
The Division of Student Success provides resources to partner with you in supporting your student. We value the opportunity to be a part of your student's personal and professional growth and development. Visit the Division of Student Success for links to departments, resources, and services that meet students’ needs outside the classroom.
Apr. 11 - 13, 2025
"Take me out to the ballgame!" Experience campus in the spring with S&T Baseball and Softball games, S&T Band and Jazz Ensemble concerts, Greek Sing and more!
Registration begins Mar. 10, 2025.
Curious what other parents are asking? We've got all the answers in a compiled list.
We've collected links to important campus resources for heath, safety, concerns, services and more
Schedule a visit or tour of campus, explore the solar villages or just learn more about Rolla.
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